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Business Asset Loans

Purchase new assets, finance business expenses or consolidate debt

Interra Credit Union will work to help you purchase new assets or use the property you own to help you finance business expenses or consolidate debt.

What is a business asset loan?

A business asset loan is a term loan that may be used to purchase assets like equipment, inventory or other goods and supplies, or you can use the equity in your current assets to finance business expenses or refinance debt.

How much will my payments be?

Payments would consist of monthly principal and interest due.

How long will the decision take?

Because Interra is a locally-based financial institution, most decisions occur within 15 days from application. The credit union also offers 48-hour loan decisions for online applications under $100,000.00.

How do I apply for a business asset loan?

Applying is as easy as a call or email. Just use the convenient Apply Now button above. An Interra lender will contact you to get the process started. Not everyone who applies will be approved.

What documents do I need to provide?

Start by contacting us and describing your loan needs. Your lender will explain the process and let you know what information and documentation is needed to make the loan decision process fast and convenient.

Calculate a Business Loan Payment
Your savings insured to $250,000 per account.
By member's choice, this institution is not federally insured.